Welcome to American Championship Wrestling!! This Rule book will provide you all the information you need to become a successful fantasy wrestler. As, CEO of ACW, I strongly urge everyone to become familiar with American Championship Wrestling, in all its facets. There's a history to this company and a future. Please read over all the rules and regulations and become familiar with our company. ACW isn't about me....its about you. Because if it wasn't for you, the faithful roleplayer, we would be just a message board.
I strongly urge all of you, if you have questions please feel free to contact me through PMs, AIMS Or Email. All the information you need to contact me has been included here. Thank you and good luck!
Jay Ryan
CEO Of American Championship Wrestling
PM: Showstopper
1. Creativity is a must! I will not tolerate anyone who comes to ACW with HBK, The Undertaker, HHH or anyone else like that as their character. That's unoriginal and will not be allowed. If you do this, your character will not be accepted. Leeway is given towards characters that are similar. You can use similar sounding names, finishers, etc. Just not exact reproductions.
2. You will not steal anyone else's character. Period. Termination to anyone caught doing that.
3. You must not attack anyone in any of your roleplay's without their permission. This is nonnegotiable! I expect that if someone does allow it, I ask that both of you contact me before the roleplay is posted. I will not tolerate a violation of this rule. Besides, its just wrong!
4. Be respectful of your fellow fantasy wrestlers. Fantasy wrestling is made up of different age groups. At the same token, "I'm 14" does not cut it as an excuse for a hundred words are misspelled in every roleplay of yours. There is something called spell check. USE IT!!
4a. This is the exception to rule 4. You can talk to trash to anyone who blantantly disregards common courtesty by not using spell check or breaking any of the other rules. Please use the proper forum when doing so or you will be breaking that rule. Each forum is setup for purpose. Do not use one for forum for another purpose.
5. Never publically question the final decision of the matches,whatever I decide is final. If you do not agree with a decision, please respond to me in a private manner. Please feel free to use my email address, AIM or PM. I will gladly discuss any topic. I will not, however, spend all night trying to convince you of my point of view. Do not abuse my open door policy.
6. Always ask questions if you don't know how to do something, or need help. As I said, I have an open door policy. Please be respectful and I will return the professionalism.
7. Roleplays are promos. We all watch wrestling and we all see wrestlers give promos. Some, better than others. The roleplay is a way of communicating to the audience to tell a story. Keep this mind when roleplaying. Remember, creativity counts! A sample roleplay is located here: No out of character roleplays on the Roleplays board. Never, EVER speak out of character on the RP board. We have a Wrestling Forum Dedicated To That. Nothing Goes On The Roleplay board besides roleplays. You may reply to a roleplay within the same thread, but you cannot start a new thread to tell someone what you thought of their roleplay.
9. Suggestions are always taken. If you have a great idea for this board, for a storyline, a character, etc. Please use the open door policy to let me know. I may just use it. Plus, I am always looking for that next great idea.
10. Check The Fireside Chat often. You will find updates straight from me about what is going on in ACW. If you miss something.....its probably there. Please do not forget to check up on it.
11. Once a month there is a PPV. The week that it falls in, there will be no Sunday Night Slam. Every Monday, the match listing for Sunday Night Slam will be posted, most likely in the late evening. The PPV lineup will create itself over the weeks. An updated lineup will be posted in the PPV Center.
12. Don't ask for gimmick matches for every match(last man standing, steel cage, Hell in a Cell, War Games, etc.)
13. No one paragraph roleplays. Don't waste our time.
14. Always use the roleplay format. Please refer to the Format section for the proper setup.
15. If George Carlin couldn't say it on can't say it either. That includes, but not limited to.........nuts, f**k, thingy, thingysucker, Motherf**ker, Or thingy. Tits is ok....sounds like a cute nickname for your girlfriend. "Hey...this is my girlfriend, Tits." But you cannot say "Hey, thingy." Also you cannot use other forms of the above mentioned words. Don't say the rules dont list nutshead or f**k face. You can use thingy when referred to the animal. You can use sucker without thingy. Don't use girl never hear HHH call Batista a girl thingy. So you shouldn't either. Best rule......ask before you post!!
Edit: Evidently the board will censor you when using cuss words. Cool!! Makes rule #15 hard to follow, but strangely enough very funny still.
15. If George Carlin couldn't say it on can't say it either. That includes, but not limited to.........Shit, fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker, Or Twat. Tits is ok....sounds like a cute nickname for your girlfriend. "Hey...this is my girlfriend, Tits." But you cannot say "Hey, Twat." Also you cannot use other forms of the above mentioned words. Don't say the rules dont list Shithead or fuck face. You can use cock when referred to the animal. You can use sucker without cock. Don't use never hear HHH call Batista a pussy. So you shouldn't either. Best rule......ask before you post!!
Edit2: I fixed the censors. You can now read it as it was meant to be.
16. Last, but not least........HAVE FUN!!!!
Roleplay Tips And Format
- Type your roleplay in a text document of some sort. (i.e. Microsoft Word, WordPad, or something along the lines of that.) If you do this, it helps you because the programs help correct your grammar, correct misspelled words, and so on. I swear, all of you who type your RP's in a text document will have better roleplays. Typing in a text document shows you how long it is and also gives you the opinion to proofread it and add details if necessary. If you don't have a program, such as the one's mentioned above, then you probably don't have a computer and this is all a dream!!!
-Use funky fonts, colors, etc. at your own risk. These are not the days of AOL Reply All Emails where color and font make a difference. If you feel that it will enhance your roleplay, feel free to use. If I can't read the roleplay or if you have used hyrogliphics to write your roleplay, it will not be counted and will be deleted from the post. Standard fonts, size and color are best.
- When you post an rp, please list the title of the rp and the name of your wrestler in the subject line of your thread. This will distinguish who is writing the rp, so it becomes quick and easy for your opponent to write a reply.
-Do not roleplay everyday. Everyweek there will be a show. Once a month, the week that has the PPV will not have the show. Don't roleplay just to go through the motions.
<Intro to RP, stating your name, the setting, and so on. Be creative. You don't have to be in a studio, you can have an ACW camera team in your home, etc. Use symbols like <>, (), {}, [] to close off your actions. Those symbols represent action.>
Person's Name: Here is where you talk about what you have to say. Be creative and detail oriented. Don't ramble. Get your point across. Also, you can always respond to what your opponent said if you are lacking some original ideas.
<Use pause breaks. Person pauses. You dont want just one paragraph of your wrestler speaking. Use a reporter to do an interview to give some more action and detail to your rp.>
Persons Name: Don't make your roleplay long, just so it looks better. Quality over quantity. Remember to talk like a wrestler.
<Close the RP with some sort of ending. Don't just have the screen fade to black. The close should be at least 2 sentences.>
Closing Statement
In closing, I hope the rules and regulations were specific enough. Check back for updates occasionally. I will notify of additional updates in The Fireside Chat. These rules and regulations have been setup and amended over the past 13 years. I am not new to ewrestling and do know how to run a successful company. Just ask the veterans of ACW. Fantasy wrestling has evolved, greatly, over the past 13 years. Gone are the days of "Reply All Emails". Usher in the new era of web boards!! The technology is new to me. Please bear with me as I make these adjustments and assist me, when you can. The blueprint to running a company is not new to me. ACW closed it doors without any closure, without end. Everything That Has A Beginning.....Has An End. Well, this is only the beginning of American Championship Wrestling.......a REBIRTH!!! Happy Birthday ACW!!!!